Teens Pole & Aerial at Buki’s

Step into a world of strength, grace, and creativity as you discover the incredible art of pole & aerial!

A space to build confidence, strength & flexibility while having fun!

Teens Pole & Aerial is an introductory pole class for secondary aged students

A class focused on learning the foundations of pole & aerial fitness while learning proper techniques & conditioning to advance on their fitness journey!

Building strength while building confidence!

  • Students learn the foundations of pole dancing, from basic spins and tricks to more advanced moves that will challenge strength and flexibility.

  • Our students are kept engaged by new session plans each week that focus on introducing them to new moves & techniques that highlight their strengths while still working towards trickier goals.

  • Our classes offer a great opportunity for Teens to socialize and get to know other like-minded peers!

  • Our Pole Dancing and Aerial Classes help teenagers boost their self-confidence and self-expression in a supportive and inclusive environment.

Preparing for future skills

When students identify they are ready, we offer higher levels of classes suitable for Teens & Adults. They will always have the opportunity to continue their pole journey at Buki’s Dance and Fitness!

More than just a class…

We are a close community at Buki’s Dance Studio who love to celebrate all student achievements! We have a variety of students of all ages and fitness backgrounds, we are excited to educate them on fitness and help them achieve their goals! Get fit. Feel confident. Have fun! Enquire today to get started on your pole journey with BDS.

Contact us.

0435 785 564

90B O’Shanassy St,
Sunbury VIC 3429