Join the Pole Life at BDS!

See why we’re obsessed!

Pole dancing is such a fun and addictive way to get fit. Our classes are super inclusive and perfect for all fitness levels. Learn some amazing tricks from our talented instructors as well as techniques on how to get the most out of your pole journey! These classes are the perfect mix of strength and cardio that will have you excited to come back for your next session. Buki’s also offers Kids Pole & Aerial, Teen Pole & Aerial and Men’s Pole & Acro!

Term Based classes

Our 8 weeks terms ensure that you are motivated to stay on track with your classes and help track your progress as you advance at BDS

Pick your class time

Keep an eye out for our new class times every 8 weeks! With a mixture of morning and evening times available, there’s a suitable time for everyone to dance!

Intimate class sizes

Our small class sizes mean you get the most out of every session, ensuring you have fantastic one on one guidance with your instructor in every session!

On going support and advice

Our instructors ensure that you have all the techniques and support you need to be sucessful in your pole journey. With a range of casual classes at BDS that can help you focus on areas that you would like to improve.

The opportunity to perform in small or big shows!

Whether it’s an in-house competition or showcase, or a bigger venue outside of the studio, at BDS you have the option to show off everything you’ve learnt in front of an audience with the guidance and advise of our amazing team!

More than just a class…

We are a close community at Buki’s Dance Studio who love to celebrate all student achievements! We have a variety of students of all ages and fitness backgrounds, we are excited to educate them on fitness and help them achieve their goals! Get fit. Feel confident. Have fun! Enquire today to get started on your pole journey with BDS.

Contact us.
0435 785 564

90B O’Shanassy St,
Sunbury VIC 3429