Pole & Aerial at Buki’s for Kids!

An exciting & inclusive class that focuses on strength, flexibility & technique, while learning some awesome tricks on the vertical pole!

A fun after school activity that will have them exploring new heights!

Kids Pole & Aerial is an introductory to pole for primary aged students

A foundational class where the focus is on inclusivity and finding the initial joy in beginner acrobatics through strength, cardio, flexibility and play!

A balance of learning and play!

  • Students begin with a basic circus hold and climb which helps build grip strength and pole awareness.  Basic floorwork is introduced to begin building some acro awareness as well as back and leg flexibility.

  • The class borrows some aspects from the studio syllabus but more so builds on the exploration of physical abilities and initial strength and confidence building.

  • Our students are often encouraged to explore their own creativity and skills through designated free time within the weeks to be able to “play” as well.

Preparing for future skills

When students identify they are ready to focus and train harder they can opt to progress up in to the Teen Aerial class where the sessions are run in a more disciplined manner and begin to adhere closer to the studio syllabus.

More than just a class…

We are a close community at Buki’s Dance Studio who love to celebrate all student achievements! We have a variety of students of all ages and fitness backgrounds, we are excited to educate them on fitness and help them achieve their goals! Get fit. Feel confident. Have fun! Enquire today to get started on your pole journey with BDS.

Contact us.

0435 785 564

90B O’Shanassy St,
Sunbury VIC 3429